5 Beauty Must-Do’s of Mine!

1.Always wash hair after a whole day

You know how everyone has their own preferred time on when to wash their hair, some prefer in the morning before going out, some  prefer after coming back from outside, while some prefer to wash twice (IMHO, this is too much washing which could dry out the hair).

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Nanowhite Polishing Exfoliator Review

*confession bear* I have never been regular & hardworking in keeping my skin clean during my teenage years…. Also because I had really bad acne during that time, I had no motivation to maintain my skin as I was really low in self esteem (even till now) that didn’t felt the need to do something about it….

Now as I have passed that hormonal blooming stage, 2-3 years later, my skin no longer breakout that badly, only the occasional stress or hormone related zits…. However, I have been left with many acne scars & the most annoying, hard to get rid blackheads! They’re like black pepper sprinkled over my nose! >.<

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